Naleung Mameh in "Macro Photography"

Macro Photography, Flower, Rumput Liar, foto Ilalang,
Naleung Mameh in "Macro Photography"
Photo by, Bambang Junaidi ©2019
Macro Photography, Flower, Rumput Liar, foto Ilalang,
Naleung Mameh in "Macro Photography"
Photo by, Bambang Junaidi ©2019
Images are taken using a filterless NIKON D5200 DSLR camera lens and additional light sources.
Manual Mode; Speed 1 / 60s; ISO 100; 35mm diaphragm; 4.5f aperture. 

My object this time was a weed that easily grew around the local cattle ranchers' dwellings. This grass is named Naleung Mameh and grows wild around my neighborhood. These plants are often taken by people to be used as animal feed, especially cows or in local languages, said oxen.

I see this plant is easy to grow and grow fast and looks very fresh at the age of 7 days, where green grass is the main food for livestock especially cattle and I see this plant is a potential and alternative for farmers in the availability of feed for their livestock.

I enshrined it to be used as an image as a socialization to farmers and local livestock feed providers in Aceh in particular. Why did I choose this family? because this grass is easy to grow and is often taken by farmers to become the main feed of their livestock. And they often take this grass when this grass has grown to reach 30-45 cm.

Based on my knowledge, livestock such as cows are very fond of what they call Green Grass or more commonly known as young grass, so my initiative arises to make this plant a cultivable plant so that the availability of animal feed and working time can be more economical so they have a lot time to do other work.

Hope this is useful.

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