Stories About Wedding Culture in Aceh

Culture Photography, Dara Baroe
Indigenous women accompany the Bride while heading for the home of his bridegroom.
Photo by, Bambang Junaidi
Tueng Dara Baro is a part of the Acehnese traditional wedding party procession held when the two couples have been officially declared husband and wife through a kabul procession in front of the penghulu and witnesses. The introduction of the bride (virgin baroe) to the bridegroom's home is a series of customary activities that are practiced by the community in Aceh in particular and in general throughout Aceh, which the women's community must be willing to abandon all their daily activities in order to be able to deliver The queen day (virgin baroe) to the house of the king (linto baroe).

The bride wearing customs of Aceh.
Photo by, Bambang Junaidi
This is done because the bride has become part of the groom's family and she will be submitted to her new family where the groom is ready to take responsibility for the bride he marries.

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